Feb 16, 2025  
2023-2024 University Student Handbook 
2023-2024 University Student Handbook [FINAL EDITION]

Club Sports

The Club Sports Program at Widener University was created to provide undergraduate and graduate students with an organized, non-varsity athletic experience. All programs designed as a club sport are considered to be competition-based with activities primarily spent in competition or preparing for competion. Recreational and leisure-based organizations are not eligible to be designated as a Club Sport.

Process for Recognition

Groups seeking to establish a new student organization or club sport program must receive approval from the Office of Student Engagement. The interest group should consist of a minimum of 10 players or enough to fill a team (in that sport) and an identified Executive Board. The interest group must also submit a proposed set of constitution and by-laws for review. The professional staff in the Pride Recreation Center Department will assist in all aspects of the recognition process and will meet with all interested parties to review sport specific guidelines, policies, rules, etc. New Club Sport Programs are subject to approval by the Dean of Students before becoming officially recognized.

Club Sports Requirements

Requirements to Participate in Club Sports

All club sport members must be full-time (12+ credits for undergraduates, 9+ credits for graduates), Main Campus, day students with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 to be eligible for participation. Graduate students must also submit proof of insurance prior to participation. Part-time students, Extended Learning students, alumni, and nonstudents are not permitted to participate in Widener University club sports as members, players, competitors, advisors, directors, assistants, or coaches (unless contracted through Human Resources) in practice, scrimmage, and/or competition. All club sport participants must also read and acknowledge the Club Sport Concussion Statement and Widener University Hazing and Discrimination Policy documents located in each club sport’s respective Office 365 group.

Annual Team Roster

Eligible students interested in participating in a club sport must complete an online roster registration and submit necessary contact information during the registration process. All required health clearances (including proof of insurance for graduate students) must be completed prior to any physical participation and all students will be billed a mandatory athletic insurance fee once officially approved on the roster.

Health Clearances

Students participating in club sports are required to have a completed an “Athletic Physical” form annually at Student Health Services prior to starting any physical activity with the club. This form must be completed by an outside physician, nurse practitioner, or physician’s assistant with the provider’s office stamp in the appropriate area. This form can be obtained in person from the Student Health Services Center, Pride Recreation Center, or electronically via MyWidener. Note: Students are also required to advise Student Health Services in writing of any significant change in their health status.

An ImPACT test (baseline cognitive testing) is also required for all club sport participants prior to participation. This test is a one-time requirement provided at no cost by Student Health Services and is mandatory for all freshmen, transfers, and first-time players to assure a baseline in the event that a traumatic brain injury (concussion) occurs. Students who sustain a head injury/TBI may be asked to re-take the ImPACT test and may be withheld from practice/competition until further review and/or follow-up is completed at Student Health Services.  Students will not be medically cleared to play until all required documentation has been received by Student Health Services.

Mandatory Athletic Insurance

University-provided athletic “excess” insurance is annually required of all club sport participants. This policy is a secondary insurance to a student’s personal health insurance and is directly billed to a student’s account once they have been cleared to participate. The annual premium coverage is for one academic year and billed based on whether the sport is classified as contact or noncontact. If an athlete has participated in intercollegiate sports or more than one club sport in the same year, he or she is invoiced only one premium per year.


All club sport participants with injuries associated with playing a club sport must complete an injury insurance claim form and submit it to the Pride Recreation Center for processing. Forms can be obtained from the Student Health Services Department, Pride Recreation Center, or the documents section located in each club sport’s respective Office 365 group. An official clearance / return to play document may be requested by Student Health Services or the Pride Recreation Center before a student may be approved to return to practice or competition.


Each club sport is entitled to levy its own dues necessary to meet all financial expenditures for the club’s operation. All balances due must be paid in full or holds on the student’s account may be submitted via the Registrar’s Office and the director of the Pride Recreation Center. Each club is expected to work with the director of the Pride Recreation Center to ensure that all expenses are approved prior to processing and that funds are utilized within budget constraints.

Club Sports

Current club sports offerings include men’s and women’s rugby, men’s and women’s soccer, and ice hockey. 


For more information related to club sports please use the following link: https://www.widener.edu/student-experience/get-involved/clubs-organizations