Feb 12, 2025  
2023-2024 Nursing Student Handbook 
2023-2024 Nursing Student Handbook [FINAL EDITION]

Doctor of Nursing Practice: Program Curriculum

Post Master’s DNP Program Curriculum

The Post Master’s DNP student is required to have at minimum 500 hours in the previous Master’s program and 560 hours in the DNP Program. The Program consists of 37 credits, including three advanced practice clinical courses (16 credits) and 560 hours beyond the Master’s, for a minimum of 1,060 hours. Of the total hours required for the DNP Program (1060), 750 will be direct patient care clinical hours. If needed, students will complete additional direct patient care clinical hours to achieve the minimum of 750 direct patient care clinical hours. The Post Master’s DNP Program is consistent with current guidelines outlined in The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (AACN, 2021); The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006); NONPF’s NP Role Core Competencies (2022); NONPF 2022 Standards for Quality NP Education (6th ed.); CNS Competencies (NACNS, 2019); and Nurse Executive Competencies (AONE, 2015).

Course Number Course Title

Course Credit

(Clinical Hours)

NURS 702

Nursing Science I 3
NURS 708 Health Policy 3
NURS 713 Complex Health Care Systems 3
NURS 732 Evidence Based Practice I 3
NURS 734 Evidence Based Practice IIa 3
NURS 736 Informatics 3
NURS 740 Ethics and Genetics 3
NURS 885 DNP I 4b (112)
NURS 886 DNP II 6c (224)
NURS 887 DNP III 6c (224)


Total course credits = 37. Total clinical hours = 560.

NURS 889 (DNP Project Advisement) requires continuous enrollment each fall, spring and summer semester until the project is completed.

Program can be completed full-time or part-time. Full-time: 9 credits fall and spring semesters; 6 credits summer.  Part-time: 3-credit minimum each semester (fall,spring, summer).

Course credits and clinical hours ratio per graduate course (per 15-week semester); 1 classroom credit hour = 14 classroom hours; 1 clinical credit hour = 4 clinical hours per week

aNURS 732 is a pre-requisite of NURS 734

b2 credits didactic; 2 credits clinical

c2 credits didactic; 4 credits clinical

Post-Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP

Post-Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP students are prepared to design, implement, and evaluate evidence-based disease management care and/or to organize care for multiple chronic conditions for individuals and populations. Graduates will be prepared at the highest level for evidence-based care, system-based care, health equity, inter-professional collaboration, and practice leadership. The Post Baccalaureate DNP Program is consistent with current guidelines outlined in The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education (AACN, 2021); The Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006); NONPF’s NP Role Core Competencies (2022); NONPF 2022 Standards for Quality NP Education (6th ed.); CNS Competencies (NACNS, 2019); and Nurse Executive Competencies (AONE, 2015). 

Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Family/Individual Across the Lifespan Option

The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Family/Individual Across the Lifespan NP student is required to complete a minimum of 672 direct patient care clinical hours to individuals and families to fulfill the family individual across the lifespan population and role requirements, as well as an additional 560 clinical hours of direct and/or systems based clinical hours for a total of 1232 hours.

The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Family/Individual Across the Lifespan Program prepares graduates to perform acts of diagnosis and prescription of therapeutics and corrective measures in primary care, collaborating with interprofessional teams in the nurse practitioner role with emphasis across the lifespan. The population focused and role course are as follows.


Core (10 Credits)

NURS 636 Dynamics of Family Health Care (3 credits)

NURS 638 Issues in Health Care for Underserved Populations (3 credits)

NURS 663 Advanced Nursing Practice: Current Perspectives (1 credit)

NURS 690 Population Health and Epidemiology (3 credits)

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Core Courses (9 Credits)

NURS 601 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credits)

NURS 608 Advanced Health Assessment (3 credits)

NURS 639 Advanced Pharmacology (3 credits) approved

Specialty Family (Individual Across the Lifespan) Role/Population Focused Area, (18 credits)

NURS 648 Advanced Family Nursing I (4 credits, 112 clinical hours)

NURS 649 Advanced Family Nursing II (6 credits, 224 clinical hours)

NURS 655 Advanced Family Nursing III (6 credits, 224 clinical hours) (state board approved)

NURS 658 Advanced Family Nursing Practicum (2 credits, 112 clinical hours)

In addition 3 credits each semester until Capstone Project Advisement is complete. (74 Credits, 1232 Clinical Hours) *

Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP Option

The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Adult Gerontology Acute Care NP (AGACNP) students are required to complete a minimum of 672 direct patient care clinical hours to individuals and families to fulfill the AGACNP population and role requirements and an additional 560 clinical hours of direct and/or systems-based care for a total of 1232 hours.

The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP AGACNP Program prepares graduates to perform acts of diagnosis and prescription of therapeutics and corrective measures in acute care, collaborating with interprofessional teams in the nurse practitioner role. The population focused and role course are as follows.


Core (10 Credits)

NURS 636 Dynamics of Family Health Care (3 credits)

NURS 638 Issues in Health Care for Underserved Populations (3 credits)

NURS 663 Advanced Nursing Practice: Current Perspectives (1 credit)

NURS 690 Population Health and Epidemiology (3 credits)

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Core Courses (9 Credits)

NURS 601 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credits)

NURS 608 Advanced Health Assessment (3 credits)

NURS 639 Advanced Pharmacology (3 credits) approved

Specialty AGACNP Role/Population Focused Area, (18 credits)

NURS 605 Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Reasoning AGACNP 1 (224 clinical hours)

NURS 606 Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Reasoning AGACNP 2 (224 clinical hours)

NURS 607 Clinical Decision Making and Diagnostic Reasoning AGACNP 3 (224 clinical hours)

In addition 3 credits each semester until Capstone Project Advisement is complete. (74 Credits, 1232 Clinical Hours) 

Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist Option

The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Adult Gerontology Clinical Nurse Specialist program of study provides a broad foundation in health promotion and disease prevention, concepts of wellness and illness care, and clinical decision-making grounded in evidence-based practices. The focus is on caring for late adolescents, adults, and older adults in wellness through acute care settings, including emergency and critical care environments. Graduates are prepared for leadership in improving patient outcomes and the quality of health care.


Core (4 Credits)

NURS 663 Advanced Nursing Practice: Current Perspectives (1 credit)

NURS 690 Population Health and Epidemiology (3 credits)

Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Core Courses (9 Credits)

NURS 601 Advanced Pathophysiology (3 credits)

NURS 608 Advanced Health Assessment (3 credits)

NURS 639 Advanced Pharmacology (3 credits) 

Specialty: Advanced Practice CNS Courses (15 Credits)

NURS 602 Adult-Gerontology CNS Practice Role Seminar & Practicum I (5 credits) (168 Clinical Hours)

NURS 603 Adult-Gerontology CNS: Management of the Late Adolescent through Older Adult (5 credits) (168 Clinical Hours)

NURS 604 Adult Gerontology CNS Practicum III (5 credits) (168 Clinical Hours)

In addition 3 credits each semester until DNP Project Advisement is complete.

(65 Credits, 1064 Clinical Hours) *

 Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Health Systems Leadership Option

 The Post Baccalaureate RN-to-DNP Health Systems Leadership Option responds to the clinical, organizational, and economic challenges incurred by health systems across the nation. Health care leaders require more than clinical expertise and well-developed communication skills. There is a need for business savvy, along with a deep knowledge and appreciation for fiscal and human resource management, continuous quality improvement and safety, complex organizational behavior, and strategic leadership competencies. The RN-to-DNP in Health Systems Leadership at Widener University builds on your strong nursing foundation and prepares you to advance as a visionary and passionate nurse executive and leader.


Nursing Core  (15 Credits)

  • NURS 611  Introduction to Nursing Science (3 credits)

  • NURS 634  Nursing Leadership for Advanced Practice (3 credits)

  • NURS 652  Statistical Analysis and Interpretation (3 credits)

  • NURS 664  Health Care Environment: Technology and Health Policy (3 credits)

  • NURS 684 Using Research for Evidence-Based Practice (3 credits)

Business Core (9 credits)

MGT 622  Developing Management Skills (3 credits)

BUS 615   Information Systems and Data Analysis (3 credits)

BUS 665   Managing Business Processes  (3 credits) 

Specialty Health Systems Leadership Courses (17 Credits)

  • NURS 694 Health Care Finance (3 credits)

  • NURS 695 Organizational Leadership in Health Care (3 credits)

  • NURS 696 Organizational Leadership in Health Care Practicum (4 Credits) (224 clinical hours)

  • NURS 697 Systems Health Leadership (3 credits)

  • NURS 698 Systems Health Leadership Practicum (4 Credits) (224 clinical hours)

*(66 credits, 1008 clinical hours)*

In addition 3 credits each semester until DNP Project Advisement is complete.


DNP Practicum


There are three advanced practice (AP) clinical courses in the Post Master’s DNP Program curriculum:

  1. NURS 885 Doctor of Nursing Practice I   (4 credits) 
  2. NURS 886 Doctor of Nursing Practice II  (6 credits)
  3. NURS 887 Doctor of Nursing Practice III (6 credits)

These three courses provide 560 hours to meet the required minimum 1,000 DNP clinical hours including a minimum of 750 direct patient care clinical hours.

Practicum experiences must be pre-approved by program faculty and may include but are not limited to the following activities:

  1. Direct practice experiences
  2. Leadership experiences
  3. Stacked credential activities
  4. Consultation with experts
  5. Health policy activites
  6.  Evidence-based and specialty Related conference and workshop attendance
  7. Quality improvement and system change activities
  8. Development of education prctice model and support groups

The practicum hours are related to the student’s individual goals, course objectives, student learning outcomes, DNP competencies, the Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Practice Nursing (AACN, 2006) and the DNP Project. Students are mentored by the Widener University School of Nursing (SON) Faculty and selected practicum preceptors/mentors. Students will select preceptors/mentors in collaboration with the faculty who are content experts in the selected area of clinical practice inquiry. Preceptors/mentors must agree to advise and facilitate the student towards the achievement of goals, objectives, DNP Essentials and population focused competencies. The preceptor/mentor may be an external member of the DNP Project advisement team.