Jan 27, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [FINAL EDITION]

Academic Honors


Honors will be calculated on all work completed in the baccalaureate programs of Widener, including original grades in the case of substitute courses. (This includes approved coursework taken at other schools while a Widener student.) A minimum of 60 credits of registered coursework must be taken at Widener to be eligible for honors*. For May graduates, honors are calculated at the end of the final spring semester.

For transfer students, the average of all courses taken on the Main Campus (minimum of 60 credits*) will be considered for a preliminary review. For those who have honors averages at Widener, and only those, all prior work will be averaged to determine final eligibility. The final average may not exceed the Widener average in any case.

For transfer or reentry students who have been out of college for three or more consecutive years, the prior record will be omitted for honors calculation, provided the student has at least 60 credit hours* of classroom work at Widener. (If a reentry student does not have the minimum 60 credits, all prior work will be included in the honors calculation.)

*Extended Learning students are only required to complete 45 credit hours to be considered for honors.

Honors Designations

The minimum grade point averages for honors are:

  • Cum Laude (with distinction)—3.50
  • Magna Cum Laude (with high distinction)—3.70
  • Summa Cum Laude (with highest distinction)—3.85

Dean’s List

A full-time student—defined as a student who has completed a minimum of 12 credit hours in the semester—whose average GPA for any semester is 3.00 to 3.49 will be awarded Academic Honors; 3.50 and above will be placed on the Dean’s List.

President’s List

A student who earns a 4.00 GPA in two consecutive semesters of full-time coursework (at least 12 credits each semester) will be named to the President’s List. An Incomplete (I) or pass (P) grade in either semester disqualifies a student from consideration for the President’s List unless it is the only grade the student could receive based on the student’s curriculum or the type of course taken (e.g., in many two-semester senior seminar courses, an IP (in progress) is the only grade available at the end of the first semester).

Honors, Prizes, Awards

The Accounting Prize is awarded to a senior deemed most outstanding in the accounting program.

The Alumni Association Award is awarded to a sophomore in the ROTC program who has demonstrated superior qualities of leadership and has exemplified the underlying principles of the university.

The American Chemical Society Award for Chemical Engineering is awarded to a senior majoring in chemical engineering who has excellent standing in the field and who has been active in the student affiliate of the American Chemical Society.

The American Chemical Society Scholastic Achievement Award is given to a senior chemistry major in recognition of outstanding achievement in chemistry.

The American Institute of Chemists Award for Chemical Engineering is granted to a senior majoring in chemical engineering for scholarship in that field.

The American Institute of Chemists Foundation Award is given to an outstanding senior majoring in chemistry in recognition of a demonstrated record of ability, leadership, and professional promise. Candidates are chosen and nominated by faculty members.

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Delaware Valley Section Award is given by the Delaware Valley Section to a sophomore, a junior, and a senior majoring in chemical engineering based on scholarship and activity in the AIChE student chapter.

The American Institute of Chemical Engineers Annual Chapter Award is given to the junior or senior majoring in chemical engineering who has the highest grade point average at the end of his/her sophomore year.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Philadelphia Section Award is given to a senior deemed best overall student in the mechanical engineering program.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Philadelphia Section Scholarship is awarded to a member of the rising senior class who is majoring in mechanical engineering and who is a member of the university’s chapter of ASME.

Appco’s Sports World Outstanding Marketing Student Award is awarded to the School of Business Administration senior deemed most outstanding in the marketing program.

The Association of Engineering Colleges of Pennsylvania Award is given to the graduating senior in engineering who has contributed most to professional development in the School of Engineering.

The Thomas R. and Frances M. Benedetti Award for Excellence in Italian is presented to an undergraduate student enrolled as an Italian minor at Widener University, who exhibits a high level of achievement, demonstrates scholarly potential through his or her participation and performance in the campus-based Italian courses, and has a cumulative grade point average in Italian of 3.6 or higher or has demonstrated academic progress.

The Marc and Antoinette Brodkin Biology Award is given annually by the biology faculty to a senior biology major with an outstanding academic record and demonstrated excellence in biological research. The Biology Award is funded by donations from alumni, faculty, and friends of the biology department.

The Patricia Blair Criminal Justice Prize is awarded to the most outstanding student majoring in criminal justice.

The William S. Blakely Award is presented to the student who maintains the highest record in scholarship for the entire year and who also makes a significant contribution to the civic, cultural, or social affairs of Widener. Members of the senior class are not eligible.

The Julia B. Blumberg Engineering Award is given annually to the graduating senior who has demonstrated excellence in scholarship, leadership ability, and character traits.

The K. B. Brannon Award is given to the student who has made a significant contribution to the life of the humanities at Widener University.

The Robert J. and Judith G. Bruce Prize is presented annually to the Widener history major who has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the field of history during the past year. Selection is based on superior academic performance within the major, overall grade point average, peer leadership, and active participation in student organizations and activities. This award is personally endowed by Drs. Bruce.

The Giuseppe O. Calabrese Award is given annually to the engineering student who, at the completion of his/her junior year, has demonstrated the greatest academic improvement in cumulative grade point average over that recorded at the end of the freshman year. This award is in memory of Giuseppe O. Calabrese, distinguished professor of engineering.

The John R. Cellucci Fraternity/Sorority Trophy is awarded annually on a rotating basis to the fraternity or sorority judged to have made the greatest contribution to Widener during the year. The fraternity or sorority earning the award three times gains permanent possession of the trophy.

Certificate of Honors in General Education is awarded to students who successfully complete a minimum of five honors courses, including Freshman Honors English and one honors colloquium. The Widener University Honors Program is designed to stimulate the highest level of intellectual activity by bringing together highly motivated students and dedicated faculty for spirited discussion and interaction.

Certificate of Advanced Honors in General Education is awarded to students who exceed the criteria for the Certificate of Honors in General Education by successfully completing a minimum of six honors courses instead of five, including two honors colloquia, or one colloquium and one honors independent study in some field of general education.

The Certificate of Recognition for Outstanding Academic Achievement is presented by the faculty of the School of Nursing to the graduating registered nurse who has earned the highest academic average in the nursing major.

The Children’s Choice Bridge Builder’s Award is awarded to a graduating senior in social work who has been able to express an understanding and commitment to the concept of “building bridges” between children, families, and the community in which they live.

The Robert N. Chinquina Memorial Medal is awarded annually to the most outstanding senior to be commissioned as a second lieutenant in the combat arms of the U.S. Army.

The Michael Clark Prize in American Life and Culture is awarded for the best scholarly paper or critical essay written on an American topic for a humanities course.

The Class of 1970 Award is awarded to the graduating senior in the School of Nursing who was selected by classmates as outstanding in nursing abilities, class participation, and contributions to the Student Nurses’ Association and the school.

The College of Arts And Sciences Prize is awarded to a senior in the college who has demonstrated high scholarly attainment and who has given significant service to the university, particularly to the College of Arts and Sciences.

The Comcast Communication Studies Prize is awarded to a member of the senior class majoring in communication who demonstrates outstanding scholarship and distinction in that field.

The Computer Science Award is awarded to a member of the senior class majoring in computer science who has demonstrated excellence in the field of computer science.

The Cecil B. DeMille Award is awarded annually to a freshman, sophomore, junior, and senior in the ROTC program who has shown, in an outstanding manner, personal conviction of and devotion to the American ideal of individual freedom and the inalienable rights of man.

The Lillian B. Wald Community Health Award is presented to the graduating senior in the School of Nursing who has demonstrated excellence in the ability to promote the health of a community and in providing nursing care to ill clients in their homes.

The Complex Care Award recognizes the graduating senior in the School of Nursing who demonstrated outstanding academic and exceptional clinical nursing abilities in the care of adults with complex health problems.

The School of Business Administration Dean’s Award is awarded to the senior who most exemplifies the values and mission of the School of Business Administration.

The Dean’s Award for Undergraduate Extended Learning is awarded to the transfer Extended Learning student attaining the baccalaureate degree, is graduating with honors, who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the Extended Learning graduating class.

The Department of the Army Superior Cadet Award is presented to the military science student in the senior class who has consistently demonstrated the potential qualities of an army officer on the basis of military and academic attainments, leadership performance, and display of outstanding discipline, courtesy, and character.

The Eleanore O. Dower Award is given each year to a junior nursing student with a high academic average who has been exemplary during the junior year in the practice of nursing.

The Economics Prize is awarded by the economics faculty to the senior economics major who has most excelled in the program.

The Fairfax Leary Baseball Award is awarded to the baseball player who contributed most to the team during the current season.

The Finance Prize is awarded to the senior deemed most outstanding in the finance program.

The Financial Executives Institute Medallion Award is awarded to a senior student majoring in accounting or finance who has demonstrated scholastic accomplishment, leadership ability, and an interest in entering industry banking as opposed to public accounting.

The William S. Fishman Award, sponsored by ARAMARK, is awarded to a senior who has demonstrated academic excellence and shown potential for success in the field of food service.

The Professor Jeanne Gelman Award is presented to a senior nursing student with professional expertise who has demonstrated caring and compassion in clinicals with a minimum 2.5 GPA. The award will be presented at the annual Nursing Recognition Day ceremony.

The German Award, given by the Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany, is awarded to a graduating senior in recognition of the student’s commitment to the study of German.

The J. Wilson Graham Award is awarded annually to the senior English major who, in the opinion of the English department, has excelled in English literature.

The George and Sis Hansell Scholar-Athlete Award is a silver bowl and prize given annually to a male and female senior who are outstanding in scholarship and have distinguished themselves in athletics.

The H. Edward Hanway Prize is awarded to a graduating student in the School of Business Administration majoring in Accounting or Finance with an excellent academic record and demonstrated participation in student groups, co-op, or athletics. Preference is given to students who reside in Delaware County, Pennsylvania prior to enrolling at Widener.

Kelli Deanne Hargadon Memorial Prize is awarded to the senior deemed most outstanding in the international business program.

The E. Christopher Harris Prize is given annually to an undergraduate Engineering student, with a preference for Chemical Engineering majors. The student must have a record of academic success and campus and/or community involvement, demonstrated by volunteering in the community or on campus, or participating in a student group with a stated mission of enhancing the lives of students and/or members of the Chester or Delaware County communities. Employment on campus by Widener University may also meet the criteria.

The Allen M. Harwitz Award is a scholarship awarded annually to a Widener student who is a graduate of Chester High School. The student will be selected by Financial Aid Services on the basis of financial need.

The Howard C. Henderson Award is awarded to the member of the graduating class who has maintained the highest academic average through the equivalent of seven full semesters, not including the semester in which the award is bestowed. The recipient must have begun his or her college career at Widener and completed a minimum of 90 semester hours in residence.

The Eileen H. Hepburn Prize is presented each year to the senior majoring in sociology who demonstrates outstanding scholarship and distinction in that field.

The School of Hospitality Management Prize is awarded to a senior who has demonstrated excellence in academic endeavors, shown leadership in extracurricular activities, and has performed well in industry positions.

The Donald M. Huntsinger Award is given each year to the Widener senior who, during his or her matriculation, has increasingly provided campus leadership, particularly through government activities.

The Charles E. Hyatt Engineering Prize is awarded to the member of the senior class in the School of Engineering whose record shows that he/she has excelled in the work of the school.

The Hobart C. Jackson Award is presented to an undergraduate student who has demonstrated commitment to community service. Preference is given to students who intend to pursue a career in gerontology, or who are preparing to pursue an MSW degree at Widener University.

The Theodore S. and Kathryn R. Jaffin Award is given to one male and one female student who have demonstrated persistent determination, resilience, and joy in achieving academic success.

The R. Kenneth Johnson Memorial Award is presented to the graduating School of Nursing senior who demonstrated outstanding academic and clinical abilities in the nursing care of childbearing families during the obstetrical nursing course in the junior year.

The Nathaniel and Shirley Kornfield Memorial Undergraduate Award is presented to a graduating senior in the
electrical engineering program who exemplifies the high academic standards and requirements of the cooperative education program.

The Admiral Herbert F. Leary Award is presented each year to the senior majoring in political science who demonstrates outstanding scholarship and distinction in that field.

The Daniel Layman Club Management Award, named after the nationally recognized former general manager of the Union League of Philadelphia, is presented to the senior who has demonstrated excellence in the study and practice of club management.

The Dr. Theresa L. Lynch Award is presented by the faculty of the School of Nursing to the seniors with the highest GPA.

The Major General E. E. MacMorland Award is given annually to a sophomore in the ROTC program who has maintained the most outstanding academic and military record in his/her class, has demonstrated a high degree of leadership potential, and has shown a genuine interest in the military science program.

The Dorothy B. Madonna Award is awarded annually to the female student in each internship program who has attained the highest average for the freshman year.

The Management Prize is awarded to the member of the senior class deemed most outstanding in the management program.

The Management Information Systems Prize is awarded to the senior deemed most outstanding in the management information systems program.

The J. Willard Marriott Jr. Award is given to the senior who has shown through academic excellence, extracurricular and cocurricular activities, and on-the-job performance, the greatest potential for success in hotel management.

The Major Frank L. Martin Civil Engineering Award is an engraved watch presented to a civil engineering senior who, by his or her perseverance and sincere and earnest efforts, has shown the greatest improvement in developing engineering ability. The award was established in 1960 by Mrs. John W. Roberts of Richmond, Virginia, in tribute to her father, Professor Frank L. Martin, who served the university in civil engineering for more than 30 years.

The Master Tutor Award is given to graduating seniors in recognition of their excellence in tutoring. This award is sponsored by the College Reading and Learning Association.

The Kathryne E. Melwert Award is given to the graduating seniors in the School of Nursing who have demonstrated the most outstanding growth professionally, academically, and socially toward becoming professional nurses.

The Alice Nearing Prize is awarded to the student who shows the greatest ability in creative writing. The recipient is to be determined by the teachers of advanced writing courses.

The Geoffrey Nearing Prize is awarded annually to a School of Business Administration senior who has demonstrated high scholastic achievement and who has contributed significantly to student activities.

The Gregory Nearing Prize is awarded to the member of the senior class deemed most outstanding in the behavioral sciences.

The Outstanding Student Teacher Award is presented to the student teachers who demonstrated excellence in teaching performance, organizational skills, lesson planning, and classroom management.

The Omega Chi Epsilon Award is given by the Beta Mu Chapter of Omega Chi Epsilon to a member of the chapter who has displayed outstanding scholarship and service to the Department of Chemical Engineering.

The Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence Award is presented to the junior/senior majoring in chemical engineering who had the highest GPA at the end of the sophomore year.

The Outstanding Academic Achievement and College Service Award is awarded to the graduating bachelor of social work student who demonstrates an outstanding level of academic achievement as well as service to the university and community.

The Outstanding Adult Student Award is awarded to a graduating adult student who has excelled in academic studies and contributed service to the university community.

The Aram S. Papazian Award is presented to the ROTC graduate who has demonstrated a high level of academic achievement and leadership potential through participation and performance in campus-based ROTC programs.

The Hildegarde E. Peplau Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Award is given to the graduating senior student in the School of Nursing who demonstrates excellence in clinical practice and mastery of theory in mental health-psychiatric nursing.

The Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants Award is given to a senior on the basis of high scholastic standing and qualities of leadership evidenced by campus activities.

The Phi Alpha Theta Award for Excellence in Historical Research recognizes a student for outstanding achievement in the field of history.

The Phi Alpha Epsilon Award is awarded to the Extended Learning student attaining the baccalaureate degree, is graduating with honors, who has demonstrated outstanding academic achievement in the Extended Learning graduating class. 

The Phi Kappa Phi Undergraduate Scholarship Award is awarded to a senior with outstanding academic scholarship who has maintained a GPA of at least 3.7, engaged in other scholarly and extracurricular activities, and has participated in service to the Widener community or the outside community.

The William R.F. Phillips Criminal Justice Citizenship Award, named in honor of the founder of the criminal justice program at Widener University, is given annually to the graduating criminal justice student who has displayed academic excellence and a commitment to the criminal justice studies and activities at the university.

The William R.F. Phillips Memorial Student Research Prize is given to the student member of Phi Kappa Phi who is judged to have presented the best research paper or poster on Student Project Day.

The William R.F. Phillips Prize is awarded to an outstanding student in sociology or the humanities who has contributed, through academics or activities, to the knowledge and appreciation of urban studies, specifically the importance of cities and the value of urban life in society.

The William R.F. Phillips and Joseph R.G. DeMarco Prize is awarded to outstanding students majoring in sociology or the humanities who have contributed, through academics or activities, to a positive understanding of the meaning of diversity in the life of a community.

Pi Gamma Mu Award is awarded by the International Social Science Honor Society to the graduating senior member with the highest cumulative grade point average.

President’s Award—Main Campus is awarded to the senior on the Main Campus who has contributed most to campus life through scholarship and participation in extracurricular activities.

Psychology Award for Service is presented to a senior majoring in psychology who has completed an internship or practicum of at least 100 hours and has a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher.

The Psychology Prize is awarded to the graduating senior psychology majors who have demonstrated outstanding scholarship and distinction in that discipline.

Captain Nathan R. Raudenbush Commencement Award is awarded to a student who is a senior (MSIV) cadet in Widener University’s Army ROTC Battalion majoring in Computer Science with a 3.0 GPA and ranked in the top 25% of his/her ROTC class, an active participant in university-sponsored extra-curricular activities or community service projects, and a graduate of the Leadership Development and Assessment Course and selected for active duty, preferably in a Maneuver, Fires, and Effects (MFE) Branch. Preference will also be given to students that have participated in the Ranger Challenge Competition and I or the Army 10-Miler Race. If no students meet the criteria, preference will be given to a senior (MSIV) cadet in Widener’s Army ROTC Battalion.

The Returning Extended Learning Student Award is awarded to teh Extended Learning student attaining the baccalaureate degree, who had a five-year or longer break in their education before or while attending Widener, is graduating with honors, and has demonstrated outstanding achievement in the Extended Learning graduating class.

The Linda Richards Award recognizes a beginning senior in the School of Nursing who has demonstrated significant achievement for a junior-level student in caring for adult clients.

Saad Outstanding International Student of Business Award is awarded to an international senior student in the School of Business Administration who has achieved the highest GPA among all international students with at least an “A” grade in Operations Management at the conclusion of the junior year.

The Samuel S. Rodney Memorial Prize is given to the student over 24 years of age pursuing an undergraduate engineering degree with the highest grade point average for the academic year. The student must have completed a minimum of 12 semester hours during the academic year to be eligible.

SAP Certificate of Recognition is awarded to students who have completed three SAP approved courses. This recognition is made possible through Widener’s alliance with SAP AG, a German-based software solutions company specializing in enterprise systems.

The Sartomer Management Leadership Award is awarded by the Sartomer Company to the senior management major who has demonstrated outstanding leadership qualities and organizational abilities in academic and extracurricular activities.

School of Business Administration Certificate of Honors provides highly motivated students with courses and activities that provide a forum for the highest level of intellectual instruction with dedicated faculty. The award is given to students who successfully complete a minimum of three SBA honors courses.

The School of Nursing Dean’s Undergraduate Award is given to a day, evening, and registered nurse student in the undergraduate nursing program who demonstrates leadership ability and excellence in nursing.

The School of Nursing Outstanding Alumni Award is given to a deserving alumnus of the Crozer Foundation, PMC Colleges, or Widener University. The recipient must have made an outstanding contribution to the nursing profession or to the community.

The Science Award is awarded to the member of the senior class majoring in a science division program who has the highest academic average.

The Rusel Silkey Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences is awarded to an outstanding student majoring in the humanities or social sciences who contributed to our understanding of minority or women’s issues.

The Excellence in Social Work Practice Prize is awarded to the graduating BSW student who demonstrates an outstanding level of academic achievement as well as service to the university and community.

The Anna Sokol Commencement Award is given to a student who has completed his/her requirements for an undergraduate degree within the Center for Education. The student shall demonstrate academic merit and be a member of the Widener Student Education Association. The participant will also have participated in community service projects.

The Dianne Stinitis Award is awarded annually to the female engineering freshman having the highest GPA in the two freshman mathematics courses and the highest cumulative GPA at the end of her freshman year. The two are averaged to determine the recipient.

The Teacher Education Advisory Committee Award is awarded to the outstanding student in the Teacher Education Program, based on performance in the classroom and general contribution to the field of teacher education.

The Teacher Education Award is awarded to the graduating senior who has completed requirements for certification in education and who has achieved an overall 3.5 grade point average in education courses and an overall 3.2 in all other courses.

The Undergraduate Teacher Education Award is presented to the graduating senior who has completed requirements for certification in education and who has achieved at least an overall 3.5 GPA in education courses and at least an overall 3.2 GPA in all other courses.

The Dr. Norma D. Thomas Award is given to an African American student majoring in Social Work who has demonstrated outstanding levels of service to the community and a commitment to practice in the field of gerontology.

The Fredericka and Sidney Waldauer Award is awarded to a senior deemed most outstanding in the economics seminar.

The Betty Weyn Award for Care to the Childrearing Family recognizes the graduating senior in the School of Nursing who has demonstrated true caring and understanding of pediatric clients and their families and who has demonstrated the most growth in clinical abilities.

Widener/PMC Alumni Association Sabre Award is presented to the senior ROTC cadet who has made a marked contribution to the Widener University corps of cadets and has consistently demonstrated superior leadership characteristics.

Widener University Recognition Scholarship Fund recognizes alumni or friends of the various colleges of the university. This fund provides income from the contributions of alumni, family, and friends to be awarded annually to undergraduate, graduate, or professional students whose academic and extra-academic achievements exemplify the high ideals of the institution and who demonstrate a need for supplemental financial resources to complete their education. In those cases where a gift has been designated for a specific purpose, the wishes of the donor(s) will be honored.

The Banfi Vintners Award The Banfi Vinters Award is presented to the graduating senior who has excelled in the study of food and beverage management and has been an exemplary citizen of the campus and local community.

The Howard A. Wiley Memorial Award is given to the senior who most intelligently, constructively, and effectively helped bring into being changes in university administrative practices that the student genuinely believed to be out of step with the needs and interests of the student body and who served as an unofficial ombudsman in the interest of the legitimate rights of students.

The Lieutenant William J. Wolfgram Memorial Award is given annually to a junior in the ROTC program who has maintained high averages in academic and military subjects, has demonstrated outstanding leadership traits, and has shown a sincere interest in a military career.

Athletic Letters are awarded to members of varsity teams deemed worthy of recognition. Letters may be worn on the regulation sweater and are a mark of excellence in the sport recognized.