Mar 06, 2025
2022 - 2023 Undergraduate Catalog [FINAL EDITION]
Computer Information Systems, BS
The computer information systems major is a combination of the computer science major in the College of Arts and Sciences and the MIS (management information systems) option in the School of Business Administration. The major provides a less theoretical and more applied curriculum than the computer science major, taking advantage of some applied courses in MIS.
The first two years of the curriculum are similar to the computer science major. The last two years of the curriculum introduce the student to advanced MIS courses and allow the student to focus on a number of areas in information systems through the CSCI/MIS electives.
The major prepares students to design, build, and maintain computer information systems. Graduates of the major can gain employment as systems and network analysts and database and network administrators. Please refer to the computer science curriculum for a detailed description of the computing facilities.
Spring (16 Credits)
- CSCI 398 - Research Topics 1 Credit(s)
- CSCI/MIS Electives 6 Credit(s) **
- MIS Elective 3 Credit(s) **
- SSCI Elective, 200 level 3 Credit(s)
- Free Elective 3 Credit(s) †
Total Credits: 124
*Students may substitute CSCI 131 and one CSCI elective for CSCI 151 & CSCI 152 ; MATH 131 or MATH 141 for MATH 117 . **MIS and CSCI electives must be at the 300 level or above, must include at least one of CSCI 311 , CSCI 381 , or CSCI 451 , and may not include more than 3 credits of CSCI 499 . One CSCI elective may be at the 200 level. †No more than 10 courses should be taken within the School of Business Administration, excluding EC 101 and EC 202 , and QA 252 . The program of study that appears here applies to students who were admitted for the summer session of this catalog year and later. Students admitted prior to that term should select the appropriate catalog year of their admission. Choose previous catalogs from the dropdown menu on the upper righthand side of the Main Catalog Gateway Page at http://Catalog.widener.edu. |