Jan 14, 2025  
2022-2023 University Student Handbook 
2022-2023 University Student Handbook [FINAL EDITION]

Residential Student Handbook

Residential Handbook Sections

Frequently Referenced Sections

Residence Life Resources

The Office of Residence Life at Widener University is committed to fostering a welcoming, inclusive, and supportive residential community. Within the Residence Life office there are a variety of resources to support residents and address questions and concerns. You can contact Residence Life at residencelife@widener.edu or 610-499-4390. The Residence Life Office is located on the first floor of Cann Hall.

Office Assistants

An Office Assistant (OA) is an hourly student worker who supports the office function and provides information about residential living at Widener to students, staff/faculty, and guests at the Residence Life office. OAs are supervised by the Assistant Director of Residence Life or designee.

Resident Assistants 

 A Resident Assistant (RA) lives in the residential community and assists with planning and implementing initiatives to assist with the development of a residential community. Over the course of the year, RAs will assist with informal educational campaigns, facilitate community and large-scale programming, serve in the on-call rotation, and serve as a resource for residents in their residential neighborhood. RAs are supervised by Area Coordinators or designee.

Senior Resident Assistants

A Senior Resident Assistant (SRA) lives in the residential community and serves as a mentor for the Residence Assistant team providing leadership in conjunction with the Area Coordinator for a residential neighborhood. Over the course of the year, SRAs assist with serving in the on-call rotation, coordinating neighborhood large scale programming, facilitating training, co-leading a department committee, and serving as a resource for student staff and residents in their residential neighborhood.

Administrative Assistant

The Administrative Assistant (AA) is a full-time professional staff member who supports the administrative and business operations of the Residence Life office. The AA can assist students, faculty/staff, and guests in scheduling meetings, locating campus resources, and navigating department offerings. 

Area Coordinators

The Area Coordinator (AC) is a full-time, live-in professional staff member who is responsible for the residential education and operations of a residential neighborhood comprised of 300-400 students in several residence halls. General responsibilities of an AC include, but are not limited to student staff development, student support, community development, programming, student conduct, daily collaboration with university stakeholders, and cultural humility education. The ACs are supervised by the Assistant Dean of Students or designee.

Assistant Director for Residence Life

The Assistant Director (AD) for Residence Life is a full-time staff member who is responsible for the housing assignment process, occupancy management for residential communities, and serves as a liaison with campus partners in ensuring their needs are met by the Facilities, Maintenance, and housekeeping staff in a timely manner. The AD for Residence Life is supervised by the Assistant Dean of Students or designee.

Assistant Dean of Students, Residence Life

The Assistant Dean of Students is a full-time staff member who supports the Office of Residence Life in all aspects of the residential education and housing operations program including administrative, budget, facilities, and programmatic goals of the department. The Assistant Dean serves as the supervisor for the Assistant Director and Area Coordinators and is a member of the Student Affairs Leadership Team.

Community Standards

The Office of Residence Life strives to foster an environment that is supportive to students as they pursue their curricular and co-curricular goals at Widener University. The community standards are set forth to provide residential students notice of prohibited conduct in the residence halls described in the Residential Handbook and Housing Agreement. All Widener University students are responsible for abiding by the Student Code of Conduct as well as the following Residence Life standards. Engagement in activities listed below by students or their guests with resident’s knowledge will constitute a violation.

A. Abandoned Property 

  1. Residential Rooms: Residence Life assumes no liability for damages or loss of abandoned property. Any personal property not removed after check-out, published hall closing deadlines, suspension, relocation, or withdrawal from the university is considered abandoned. A room cleaning charge will be assessed against any student who fails to remove their items or personal property, in accordance with housing damage billing.
  2. Common Areas: Personal property left in hallways, stairwells, lounges and other common areas will be considered abandoned property. Abandoned property is subject to disposal or recycling as deemed appropriate at the student’s expense.

B. Guests

A guest is defined as any person who is not assigned by Residence Life to live in the room, even if that person is a Widener University student. No more than two (2) guests per resident of that space are allowed at any one time. It is the resident’s responsibility to ensure their guest is aware of and remains in compliance with the Student Code of Conduct and Residential Handbook. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests. If you cannot come to an agreement with the other students in your living unit, the right of the student who do not want guests takes priority.

  1. General Visitation
    1. Residence Life may restrict all guest privileges at any time for the benefit of the community. Should guest privileges be restricted, Residence Life will notify residents in writing.
    2. If a guest violates the Student Code of Conduct, the host will be sanctioned for the guest’s offense. The residents of a room where a policy violation has occurred may be held responsible for the violation, whether or not they were present in the room at the time of the violation.
    3. Students may enter another student’s living area only after permission has been granted by the student residing in that area. All guests must be escorted by their hosts at all times.
  2. Non-Resident Guests
    1. All guests must adhere to the guidelines set up in the roommate agreement.
    2. All guest must be escorted at all times and carry a valid photo ID.
    3. Residence Life staff may ask guests to leave at any time, requests to which guests are required to comply.
  3. Overnight Guests (resident and non-resident): An overnight guest is defined as a guest who stays after 2:00am. You are allowed to have overnight guests to your living space provided you acquire advance permission from you room/apartment/suitemates. 
    1. Resident students are limited to two non-student guests at a time.
    2. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guests.
      1. All guests must possess and present a valid form of identification upon request. Failure to do so will result in removal from campus.
      2. All overnight guests must be at least 18 years of age.
    3. Guests may stay a maximum of two consecutive nights in a 14-day period. Residents are responsible for complying with these procedures and for the actions of their guests, including compliance with all traffic and parking regulations.
    4. Cohabitation, loan, subletting, or rental of residence hall space is prohibited at Widener even if no money is exchanged.

C. Appliances and Equipment

Below is a list of the most commonly questioned prohibited items in the residence halls. Residents found in possession of prohibited items will be required to remove the item from the residence halls and may face disciplinary action. In addition, residents may be responsible for any cost related to the removal and/or storage of the item. Residents are responsible for all damages from permitted and/or prohibited items.

  1. Permitted Items:
    1. Appliances
      1. Computers (laptop or desktop)
      2. Curling/Hair Irons (required auto-off feature)
      3. Electrical appliances with exposed heating elements (e.g. toasters, coffee makers, air fryers) permitted in kitchen areas only in Metropolitan Hall, Harris Hall, and Dixon Halls.
      4. Energy Star certified mini or compact refrigerators up to 4.3 cubic feet or non-Energy Start certified mini or compact refrigerators limited to 3.3 cubic feet or smaller (operate at 118 volts, 60Hz, or less and draw no more than 1.5amps or 180 watts of power).
      5. Sealed unit coffee makers (e.g. Keurig, coffee makers without exposed heating elements)
      6. Sealed unit electric water kettle
      7. Rice cookers
      8. Portable hair dryers
      9. Micro-fridge unit either rented from university-designated provider or student purchased (limited to Energy Star certified, 700 watt microfridge, .7 cubic feet microwave, and under 3 cubic feet refrigerator)
    2. Electrical
      1. Power strip (with on/off switch and internal overcurrent protection)
      2. Battery operated holiday lights
    3. Other
      1. Bicycles
      2. Fish tanks (10 gallons or smaller)
      3. Kitchen utensils
      4. Live potted plants
      5. Non-electrical bed risers less than 8 inches
  2. Prohibited Items
    1. Flammable items
      1. Incense cones or sticks, candles, oil lamps
      2. Lighter fluid for refillable lighters
      3. Propane tanks
      4. Plug-In air fresheners (lit or unlit)
    2. Appliances
      1. Resident-owned air conditioners
      2. Electrical appliances with exposed heating elements
      3. Wall-mounted televisions
    3. Combustibles
      1. Cut trees or dead plants
      2. Wall decorations that exceed designated policy
      3. Hookahs
    4. Electrical
      1. Halogen lamps and bulbs
      2. Black lights and black light bulbs
      3. Spider lamps (i.e. lamps with more than one bulb for one electrical outlet)
      4. Extension cords and multi-plug adaptors (without on/off switch and internal overcurrent protection)
      5. Motorized vehicles
      6. Hoverboards
      7. Electric skateboards and scooters
      8. Wax melts
      9. Lava lamps
      10. 3D printers
    5. Loft equipment
      1. Non-university supplied loft equipment (e.g. cinderblocks, wooden supports, and any manufactured loft equipment higher than 8 inches)
    6. Other
      1. Pets (except toothless fish)
      2. Projectiles or projectile propelling devices (e.g. Nerf Guns, Orbeez guns)

D. Fire Safety

  1. Smoke detectors are placed in student rooms and public areas for the safety of the community.
    1. Students may not tamper with this equipment (e.g., remove batteries).
    2.  Students caught tampering will be subject to immediate disciplinary action. Nothing may cover smoke detectors.
  2. As per the instruction from the Fire Commissioner of the City of Chester, “No couches, chairs, or futons are permitted in in any residence facility unless a resident can provide manufacturer’s certification that the furniture meets California Technical Bulletin 133 for fire retardancy of upholstered furniture.”
  3. All residents are required to attend a fire safety meeting at the beginning of the semester.

E. Assignments

Residence Life may need to assign students to temporary housing or permanent relocation. All residents must adhere to the relocated allotted by staff. All relocations or room changes must be approved by staff prior to the move.

F. Bathrooms and Showers

As a member of the community, residents are asked to help maintain a clean, sanitary, and non-hazardous living environment. Residents are responsible as a member of the community to keep bathrooms, showers, and restrooms clean, sanitary and non-hazardous.

  1. Apartment & Suite-Style Communities: Residents living in suite and apartment-style communities are responsible for cleaning the bathroom(s) in their living space.
  2. Bathroom and shower stalls are designated for individual use and are only to be used by one person at a time.

G. Bicycles

The university is not responsible for theft or damage to bicycles. If you choose to bring a bicycle to campus, you are responsible for securing and storing it properly. Bikes may not be stored in any common areas of the residence halls including internal entry ways, lounges, and hallways. Bikes stored in common areas of the residence halls will be considered abandoned and will be removed.

H. Chronic Misbehavior

A resident established an unacceptable pattern of misconduct when the resident is involved in/or around multiple policy violations, event though individual offenses may be minor. A pattern of irresponsible conduct may result in the behavior being addressed through the Student Conduct process as well as a discussion about that student’s previous behaviors and whether or not the resident should remain in the residence halls.

I. Cleaning

Residents are asked to help maintain a clean, sanitary, and non-hazardous living environment. It is the responsibility of residents as members of the community to keep your assigned space and common areas (e.g. lounges, bathrooms) clean, sanitary, and non-hazardous. Students who fail to practice good housekeeping could be responsible for associated charges. Fees and/or other sanctions will be assessed for excessive cleaning.

  1. Students are responsible for removing trash and recycling from their rooms in a timely manner.
  2. Students are required to clean all pots, pans, and dishes used and return them to their proper place.
  3. All sinks, showers, counters, and floors should be cleaned.

J. Littering and Trash

All residents are expected to dispose of their refuse in trash receptacles on campus and in-residence halls. Any Widener University student or guest who litters on campus or community property, throws objects of windows or from balconies may be referred for disciplinary action in addition to any changes for clean-up.

K. Painting and Decorating

Nothing may be put on exterior windowsills or hung out of windows. Wall coverings and upholstered furniture must adhere to applicable fire codes and the guidelines of insurance underwriters. Students may not paint their rooms.

L. Cooking Safety

Cooking in residential facilities, other than those designated by the university, is strictly forbidden. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action and fines. Food may not be kept in residence areas except in closed tin, plastic, or glass containers.

M. Noise and Volume

  1. Courtesy Hours: Courtesy hours are observed 24-hours a day throughout the residence halls. When asked by another resident or staff member to reduce noise to a reasonable level, residents are expected to comply as a courtesy to fellow community members.
    1. Resident Assistants (RAs) are expected to help maintain a reasonably quiet environment on the floor with the cooperation of residents.
    2. Residents in each hall are expected to act in a manner conducive to effective study.
    3.  Each individual must adhere to this basic expectation.
    4. Electronic devices like televisions and speakers are normally permitted in rooms provided they do not disturb others. They should be heard only in the confines of the individual’s room, and the door should be closed when they are operated. Such equipment will be ordered to be removed immediately if, after other residents or hall staff have made a complaint, their use continues to be distracting to study/living conditions or is judged to be a hazard.
  2. Quiet Hours: A violation of the quiet hours policy is defined as any time noise from a room/apartment/suite is audible outside the door past quiet hours. Failure to comply with a request to educate noise levels by a residence may result in disciplinary action.
    1. Quiet hours will be observed during the following times:
      1.  9 p.m. to 7 a.m. Sunday through Thursday
      2. Midnight to 10 a.m. on Friday and Saturday.
    2. 24-Hour Quiet Hours: Twenty-four hour quiet hours begin at 10pm on the last day of classes before each final examination period.
      1. Quiet hours are observed throughout the duration of final exams.
      2. Residents violation the 24-hours quiet hours may be asked to leave immediately from the residence halls, in addition to standard disciplinary procedures.

Housing Operations

A. Communication

The Office of Residence Life utilizes Widener e-mail systems for communication relevant and important information to its residents. You are responsible for setting up and checking your official Widener University e-mail account regularly and will be held accountable for all information communicated by Widener e-mail.

B. Key/Access Cards

Residents will either be issues hard keys and/or have their Widener ID cards programmed to gain access to their assigned residential space. The keys issued upon move-in are property of Widener University and cannot be duplicated or loaned.

  1. Students using another resident’s key or Widener ID card may face disciplinary action.
  2. Residents should keep key or access cards with them when they leave their room.
  3. Lost keys or access cards should be reported to the Residence Life office.

C. Lockouts

Students locked out of their room must contact one of the Resident Assistants (RAs) as soon as possible to gain access to the room. If an RA is not available, call Campus Safety (ext. 4200). Campus Safety will require identification to prove the person is assigned to the room in question. “Room Lock-Out” requests will be honored as soon as possible, subject to other priority calls. There is a service charge for “Room Lock-Out” requests.

  1. Each residence hall room is equipped with a working lock. Tampering with any lock can violate The Widener Compact. Violators are subject to disciplinary sanctions and fines plus damages for restitution.
  2.  Report any lock problems to the Office of Residence Life immediately.

D. Right of Entry

The University reserves the right to enter an individual’s room at any time; whenever possible, advance notice will be given before entry. In cases of emergency or for purposes of inspection, maintenance, and/or protecting the health, safety, and security of residents, the University reserves the right to enter an individual’s room without notice. All staff members must announce themselves and knock on the door before entering students’ residential spaces.

E. Room and Board Rates

For comprehensive information about room and board charges, as well as fees and payment, visit the Enrollment Services website: widener.edu/BursarOffice

F. Residency Requirement

Widener University’s 2-Year Residency Requirement Program requires all full-time undergraduate students in their first and second years to live in on-campus housing unless they have met junior standing, defined as 57-credits toward their degree program, or qualify as a commuter resident. Students who qualify for commuter status are not required to live on-campus. Students not meeting the below criteria and failing to actively participate in housing selection will be assigned housing and a meal plan by the Office of Residence Life. Please note that on-campus agreements are for the entire academic year unless a student is studying abroad or there is a change to part-time status. Exemptions will not be provided to students entering an off-campus lease regardless of the time of year if they have not met the 2-Year Residency Program requirements.

  1. Additional exceptions for full-time students to qualify for commuter status include:
    1. You are married.
    2. You are the custodial parent of a child.
    3. You are a veteran with at least 2-years of active military services.
    4. You are 24-years of age or older.
    5. You have attained junior class status (57-earned credits towards your degree program)

G. Change of Residency Status

During the housing selection process each spring semester, students wishing to change their status from residential to commuter or off-campus status for the following year must submit a housing intent form to the Office of Residence Life through the housing portal. Students will receive a confirmation email notifying them of their change in status. Students who have not met the 2-Year Residency Requirement will not be permitted to commute or reside off-campus. Students wishing to reside on-campus can change their residency by submitting a housing application through the housing portal.

H. Health & Safety Inspections

For the health and safety of each resident, Residence Life staff members will inspect rooms for safety hazards, damages, cleanliness, and other policy violations, minimally twice an academic year.

  1. Presence of a Violation: When a violation is present, there may be a reinspection of the space to ensure it has been corrected. Failure to correct items such as prohibited items will result in the item being confiscated and the student being referred for disciplinary actions. Student may retrieve confiscated items from their neighborhood office to remove them from campus.

I. Immunizations & Health Insurance Requirements

Please visit Student Health Services website at https://sites.widener.edu/studenthealth/ for up to date requirements for required insurance and immunizations.

J. Break Housing

All residential communities remain open during break outlined in the academic calendar (fall, Thanksgiving, winter, and mid-term breaks) for students who wish to remain on campus. More information regarding Break Housing is available to students prior to each break via an email from the Office of Residence Life.

K. Residence Hall Closing

Before the residence halls close at the end of fall and spring semesters (residence halls are closed by 6 p.m. on the last day of each semester), students will receive a move-out memo with more detailed information and dates. Residents should leave their accommodation at the end of the school year within 24 hours after their last final exam. Improper check-out fines of $50 will be charged if residents fail to follow check-out procedures including break and extended stay requests.

  1. A student properly terminates occupancy by confirming eligibility with the Office of Residence Life, gaining release approval from the Office of Residence Life, notifying their floor RA, removing all belongings from the room, turning in all keys to the Residence Life Office, and signing a check-out form.
  2. A $50 fee will be imposed for an improper check-out (i.e. not following check out procedures communicated via the memo sent at the end of each semester)
  3. Students who leave a room in unacceptable condition, as determined by the Residence Life staff, will be billed per resident for cleaning. Personal belongings left in a room after the vacating deadline will be removed and disposed of by the university at a charge to the student.
  4. Graduating resident seniors will be permitted to occupy specially assigned rooms during announced senior days, if an application has been filed and approved by the Office of Residence Life. Failure to comply with this policy will result in a $50 fee.

L. Damage Billing

Damage and billing costs are assessed by Residence Life during the semester closing process. Damage billing may occur throughout the academic year as students check out of the residence halls during withdrawals, room changes, or suspensions. If damages are discovered during check-out at the end of the semester, students will be responsible for any cost of $20 or more per resident. If you have incurred a damage charge, you will receive charges added to your student account within 30 days of move out. Students will be notified via email of all damages and the appeals process.

  1. Residents are made aware of this policy before check-in via the Housing Agreement and the Room Condition Report. Students have 48-hours after move-in to discuss any changes that need to be made to the room condition report with their neighborhood’s Area Coordinator. At the end of the academic year, the Residence Life team uses the same room condition report to compare the ending condition to the beginning condition of the room.
  2. Vandalism: If the individual(s) responsible for the damage have neither come forward nor been identified by others, then the cost of the damage (materials and labor) will be divided evenly among all residents of the affected space.
  3. Common Area Damages: A common area is defined as any space and/or area outside a student room. This includes, but is not limited to stairwells, hallways, restrooms, lounges, elevators, entrance ways, recreation areas, and study rooms. Community members share responsibility for ensuring that common areas are properly utilized. Damage/billing charges resulting from the misuse or abuse of common areas will be assessed.
    1. Damage Responsibility
      1. If the individuals responsible for the damage are identified, then only those persons are charged.
      2. If not individual takes responsibility for the damage, the charge will be disbursed to all residents of the community
  4. Appeals: If a student feels they have been incorrectly or unfairly assessed for a damage charge, a written appeal must be submitted via the Damage Appeal Form on the Housing Portal within 7-business days of receipt. In the appeal, residents are asked to be specific and note which charges they are appealing as well as the reason(s) why they should not be charged. Students will be notified of decisions regarding appeal status within 10 business days of its receipt.
    1. A “hold” may be placed on a student’s account if the student fails to pay or reimburse the university for any loss, damage, destruction, or third-party theft to living quarters or property issued to them by the university.

M. Room Condition Reports

Each student occupying a room in a residence hall must sign a “Room Condition Report” form at the beginning of occupancy. This form not only lists the items of furniture but also their condition, as well as general room conditions. The students assigned to a room will be responsible for any damage beyond normal wear and use that occurs during the students’ occupancy. When a student ends occupancy of the room, the “Room Condition Report” form is completed by Residence Life staff. Until the sign-out procedure has been completed, the student will be held responsible for the room’s contents and condition. Students are also fined for improper check-out or lack of completing any part of the checkout procedures.

  1. Loss or damage of furniture should be reported immediately to the Resident Assistant (RA) in writing, as furniture will be charged to the occupants unless recovered.
  2. Students with university-owned furniture in their rooms without the specific approval in writing from the Office of Residence Life will be required to return immediately such property to its proper place and will be subject to fines, restitution, and/or disciplinary action.
  3. The university reserves the right to inspect students’ rooms at any time. The underlying reason for inspections is the protection, safety, and welfare of the students and of the university. Such inspection by university officials shall be done generally in the presence of a room resident and/or staff
    1. Exception to this procedure is emergencies when imminent danger to life, safety, health, or property is reasonably feared. Each semester, health and safety inspections will be conducted to ensure the security of the hall.

N. Requests for Repairs

The Office of Residence Life will make every effort to inform residents of maintenance and housekeeping projects whenever possible. NOTE: These procedures are in reference to work done by the Offices of Maintenance and Housekeeping. The university reserves the right to enter rooms at any time for safety inspections and reasonable cause.

  1. Work Orders: Requests for repairs for rooms or public areas should be reported to the Maintenance Office via the online “Maintenance Support Request” form on MyWidener: Log on to MyWidener, search “Request Maintenance Support, then log in using your Widener credentials. Follow the instructions to fill out a work order on that page. Requests for work orders include heating, air conditioning, and housekeeping services. Students should allow 10 working days for completion of nonemergency repairs. Repairs not completed within that time should again be reported to the RA.
  2. Emergency Repairs: In case of an emergency situation, contact the Office of Residence Life between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, or the Office of Campus Safety if after hours.

O. Housing Assignments

  1. Deadline to Claim Services: Students must claim their housing assignments and identification cards for food service before 11 a.m. on the second scheduled day of classes each semester or within 72 hours of receipt of assignment if the assignment is made after the first-class day of a semester.
    1. If any emergency prevents a student from appearing to claim services, immediate written notice must be given to the university.
    2. Failure to notify the Office of Residence Life of delayed arrival may result in the space being offered to another student.
    3. To claim a housing assignment, students must report to the location designated through the university check-in procedures.
  2. Room Changes: Once a student occupies their assigned room, the assignment may not be changed unless the Office of Residence Life gives approval. No room change requests will be allowed during the two week “room freeze” at the beginning of each semester. Students who make unauthorized room changes are subject to disciplinary action.
    1. Open Room ChangeOpen room change is a process that occurs the third and fourth week of fall and spring semester where students are able to request a room change for any reason without participating in a mediation first. More information about open room change is sent to residential students the second week of the semester. The room change application is on the Housing Portal.
    2. New Resident Notification: The Office of Residence Life reserves the right to reassign any student to a different room at any time. While every attempt will be made to notify the resident student of changes in room assignment prior to his or her arrival on campus, situations may arise that make this impossible.
    3. Room Change Freeze: The Office of Residence Life freezes room changes from occurring after housing assignments are made through the open room change period of each semester. This process allows for move in and occupancy verification to take place. In cases of significant extenuating circumstances, a room change may be considered. Please email residencelife@widener.edu for more information.
    4. If a member of the Residence Life staff becomes aware that a student may have discouraged a potential roommate from moving into his or her room, a mandatory meeting will be called to discuss the situation. If the violation appears to be valid, the student(s) may face disciplinary action.
    5. Proper check-out of the current assignment is required before moving to a new assignment. The Residence Life staff will assist with the necessary documentation.
    6. A student who is in single occupancy of a double accommodation (e.g., because a roommate withdrew from the residence hall) may be required to move or may be assigned a roommate at any time at the discretion of the Office of Residence Life.
  3. Air Conditioning: Some residence halls are equipped with air conditioning. Students may not install or use their own air conditioners. Those who require air conditioning for medical purposes must submit written documentation from their physician to Student Health Services prior to the Housing Selection process for the following year placement. Requests made during the year will be honored on a space-available basis. Please be aware that students requesting medical placements are not granted a roommate preference.

P. Furniture

  1. Each room is supplied with a desk, desk chair, bed frame, and mattress for each student assigned to a room. No furniture can be removed from a room. The hall staff will do an inventory control check at the completion of each term. Any missing items will be billed to the occupants of the room.
  2. University-owned mattresses are to remain on bed frames and are not to be placed on the floor. Refusal to comply with this policy will result in the student being charged with the cost of mattress replacement. Lofts are prohibited by order of the fire marshal.
  3. Students are expected to provide their own study lamps, bedspreads, blankets, throw rugs, pillows, and linens.
  4. Some beds are designed to be bunked, if desired. Generally, beds will be set up so as not to be in a bunked position. Students who want these special beds stacked to allow for more floor space should see the residence hall staff after having checked in to arrange for it with a maintenance work order.
  5. Special Note: Residents are expected to bring their own floor or table lamps. Ceiling fixtures are limited and may not be provided in each residence hall.

Q. Summer Housing

Students who are enrolled in spring semester classes as well pre-registered for the subsequent fall semester are eligible to reside on campus during the summer. Additional costs apply for summer housing. Students can obtain information and an application by following instructions electronically provided by the Office of Residence Life in the spring semester.

R. Personal Property Insurance Coverage

Many students have valuables in their rooms, such as personal computers, jewelry, and televisions. It is the student’s responsibility to follow all rules designed to protect these items. Students should make an inventory of items brought to campus. Students must also lock their rooms when they leave no matter how short the time they plan to be away. Students should not leave personal property unattended. In addition, students should report any suspicious persons or occurrence to Campus Safety immediately. They must also close all doors to the outside when entering and exiting so that intruders cannot gain entrance to the residence halls.

  1. Note: The university is not responsible for loss or damage of personal property by any means or for any cause. Students are encouraged to see that they are covered under their parents’ or guardians’ homeowner’s policies or to take advantage of special insurance programs available for college students. Students may wish to review the application from National Student Services, Inc. Widener does not in any way endorse this program as being either the best or the only alternative available to students, but it is one that has been used successfully by other institutions. Valuables must be taken home during break periods and over summer sessions.

University Resources

A. Campus1Card Office

  1. Flexible Spending:Students may have Pride Bucks and Printing Dollars on their Campus1Card flexible spending debit account. For detailed information, visit the Campus1Card webpage: widener.edu/Campus1CardOffice
  2. Meal Plan Changes:Students have the ability to adjust their meal plan during the first week of the semester. To request a change in meal plan, please email campus1card@widener.edu.

B. Student Accessibility Services

Accommodations for a disability including medical or mental illness reasons should be initiated by students through the Student Accessibility Services website at https://sites.widener.edu/sas/new-students/ . Please note that depending on the volumne of need for the office, it make take the office a few weeks to complete the process. Students need to annually renew their approved housing accommodations. Information is sent during Housing Selection each spring semester regarding renewal.

C. Campus Safety

The Campus Safety office collaborates with and advises residence hall personnel regarding the security needs of each hall. The following security procedures are instituted in all residence halls:

  1. All exterior doors to the hall are locked 24 hours a day.
  2. Campus Safety officers make routine inspection rounds of all exterior doors.
  3. Residents are requested to report any suspicious situations or persons to the Office of Campus Safety immediately (ext. 4200).
  4. All students share responsibility for using and following security procedures for their own and other halls. This means using security devices, keeping doors locked, asking visitors to be escorted, and questioning strangers in the hall.
    1. Emergency exit doors in residence halls have alarm systems to discourage illegal entry and exit.  Do not prop open doors.  Abusing the alarm system results in increased theft and vandalism in the residence halls. Persons who abuse this system are subject to disciplinary action. (See also the “Safety and Security” section of this handbook.)
  5. Outside contractors will be accompanied by a representative of the university whenever they enter a student’s room or when they enter a residence hall over a break.

D. Dining Services

  1. Meal Plan Requirements
    1. First year students living on campus in a residence hall are required to purchase a Weekly 19 meal plan.
    2. Sophomores living on campus are required to purchase either a Weekday 15 meal plan or any Weekly 19 meal plan.
    3. Meal plans are options for juniors, seniors, and graduate students.
  2. For additional information regarding Widener Dining, please visit https://widener.campusdish.com/ .
  3. For questions regarding Dining Services, please email campusdining@widener.edu.