Feb 02, 2025  
2024-2025 University Student Handbook 
2024-2025 University Student Handbook

Graduate Students

Academic Policies

The academic policies of each graduate program are outlined in the graduate catalog at https://catalog.widener.edu/. The policies covered include:

  • Admissions procedures
  • Petitioning to graduate
  • Auditing
  • Special status students
  • Degree requirements
  • Transfer credit
  • Grading
  • Withdrawal policy
  • Matriculation

Information on tuition and fees is available from each of the graduate program offices.

Graduate Student Organizations

National Scholarship Honor Society

Phi Kappa Phi—The national scholarship honor society of Phi Kappa Phi (PKP) exists to recognize and encourage scholarship in all academic disciplines. By honoring superior scholars, it hopes to encourage others to espouse academic excellence. The Widener chapter (#214) of PKP was installed May 14, 1979. Membership in the society is by invitation from the local chapter, in accordance with its regulations and the bylaws of the national organization. Graduate and professional students are eligible for induction if they have an outstanding record in graduate or professional study, as evidenced by ranking in the top 10 percent of their school or college at Widener University, and meet the following requirements:

  • Non-law school post-baccalaureate students must have petitioned for May graduation or have graduated in the previous August or December.
  • Widener Law School students must have petitioned for May or summer graduation or graduated the previous December.

The registrar determines the class rank and petition status. The graduate dean determines the top 10 percent of each discipline conferring graduate degrees, in cooperation with the respective programs’ graduate officers.

Clinical Psychology

Student Forum—The forum provides a means for students in the PsyD program to express their views on issues relating to university policy and procedures and student services. The director of the clinical psychology program meets with the Student Forum officers on a regular basis. The organization also plans social activities for students. This enables students to have a voice with the graduate community at large. A student newsletter is published on a regular basis to keep the PsyD student body informed of the forum’s activities. For more information, contact 610-499-1208.


Education Doctoral Students’ Association—Organized to provide the doctoral student with an avenue for discussing the important issues and concerns of University Life. The social, academic affairs, faculty, and professional development subcommittees report to the Steering Committee, which, in turn, meets with an advisor. A newsletter keeps all students informed of the association’s activities. For more information, please call 610-499-4383.

Human Sexuality Studies

Human Sexuality Education Student Organization—This is a student-run, student-led organization for Widener’s graduate program in human sexuality. Its officers are elected annually and work to fulfill the organization’s three-fold mission: to support student life for graduate students in the human sexuality program, to advance the program at the school and local level, and to support students in professional pursuits through national organizations and conferences.


Graduate Business Association—The purpose of the Graduate Business Association is to serve the special needs of graduate students who work during the day and attend school on a part-time basis in the evening. The goals of the organization are to provide a liaison between the students and Career Advising and Planning Services and to provide a vehicle for student input into the curriculum. Contact 610-499-4305.


Eta Beta Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau International—This nursing honor society is open to both master’s and doctoral students. For membership information and faculty counselors, see the Eta Beta website at https://thecircle.nursingsociety.org/etabetachapter/home

Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Student Association (PTSA)—The organization’s purpose is to enhance the understanding of physical therapy and current health issues among the student body and the Chester community. For information, call 610-499-1277.

Chester Community Physical Therapy Clinic Student Board—Membership on the student board is by appointment. The purpose of the student board is to provide support to and assist in the direction of the pro bono physical therapy clinic sponsored by the Institute for Physical Therapy Education.

Social Work

Master of Social Work (MSW) Student Organization—The organization’s purpose is to provide peer support, professional development, and representation for the students of the MSW program. Membership is open to all matriculated students in the MSW program. For information, call 610-499-1153.

National Association of Black Social Workers, Student Chapter—This organization provides peer support for students of African descent and offers opportunities for service and professional and cultural development. For more information call, 610-499-1153.