2025-2026 Graduate Catalog (Edited Version) 2025-2026 Graduate Catalog (Edited Version) |

About the Graduate Catalog
Welcome to the Graduate Catalog. This catalog contains comprehensive information about Widener University’s programs for students obtaining certificates, masters and doctoral degrees. This catalog includes every graduate academic program and the requirements for earning a degree. Each program lists requirements, curriculum sequences and general information about each program. Brief descriptions of all courses are listed by department, as well as programs of study for each program currently offered, including specializations, concentrations and dual degrees.
What Catalog should I use?
- The requirements specified in each Catalog apply to students who began their studies at Widener University during the academic year listed on the Catalog, and who remain in continuous enrollment until they graduate.
- Academic program requirements may change at University discretion. Students will be notified of any changes by their academic department or program, and will be advised of their options based on those changes.
- Students unsure of which catalog to use should consult with their Academic Advisor.
- The Catalog and University web site does not take the place of academic advising! Students must meet with their advisor regularly to ensure that they are meeting current program and major requirements for completion and graduation
Where do I find my Catalog?
- To find an interactive catalog for the specific academic year catalog academic years between 2019/2020 - 2023-2024 use the drop down menu above to find the Undergraduate or Graduate catalog or links below.
- To find a pdf of University Catalogs for the 2018/2019 academic year and earlier please see Wolfgram Library Digital Archives at: http://digitalwolfgram.widener.edu/digital/search/collection.
- To find a PDF of an Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog from academic years 2011/2012 to 2018/2019 see the Prior Catalog Page located on the navagation bar on the Main Catalog Landing Page.
- Catalogs labeled “Edited Edition” are for an upcoming academic year and subject to change on a regular basis and will be accessed by the website.
Pandemic or Other Disruptions
Pandemics or epidemics may impact the learning experience in unpredictable ways. The university reserves the right at all times to cancel, suspend, or delay all or any classes or programs provided by the university, to transition all or any classes or programs to an online or hybrid format, closing campus facilities, or to take any other measures that the university deems necessary to protect the health and safety of university community members and/or to comply with health and safety laws, orders, ordinances, regulations, and health and safety guidance issued by local, state, and national public health officials.
Academic advisors and department faculty advisors provide students with assistance in developing an academic program of study, choosing courses consistent with this program, and discussing career options. Use the information from your catalog when meeting with your advisor.